
Welcome to our little corner of the internet! I am so excited to begin a new school year together!
We are going to have a fantastic year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

     Usually I update this blog on Friday or Saturday, but I struggled all weekend with what I should even write about. It seemed like there was so much to be said and yet at the same time, I wasn't sure what to say. After spending the past 2 days in our classroom with your children, I saw so many things that made me realize that there really is so much good in the world and I thought that would be appropriate to share with you this week.

1. Your children come to school each day with huge smiles, ready and excited to learn. They are SO excited to be in school.

2. They express concern about a friend who isn't feeling well and make a card or offer a pat on the back.

3. They radiate SO MUCH excitement about tomorrow's Winter Celebration and the upcoming holidays.

4. They help each other when someone falls or drops something. Immediately. Without having to be asked to do this. They just LOVE to help.

5. The simple fact that they can read excites them SO much and they love to share their reading with others.

6. They see the good in everyone.

7.  They are thinkers and problem solvers. They get so excited when they have the opportunity to share their knowledge with someone else.

8. They take such pride in a job well done.

9. They are creative. They write stories, poems, and plays. They draw. They invent their own recess games. Their minds are always working.

10. They feel content and safe, both at home and in school, and it shows in the way they approach every day.

Enjoy the upcoming week off with your children!

Wishing you a happy and merry everything!
Heidi Richard

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