
Welcome to our little corner of the internet! I am so excited to begin a new school year together!
We are going to have a fantastic year!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Ways to Spread Peace

Last Friday, our class wrote a poem together about ways to spread peace in our community and in our world. We read a poem about peace and then we brainstormed ways that we could help to spread peace in our world. Finally, each student chose a favorite line from their personal list to add to the class poem. Ask your child which line he or she contributed! Enjoy!

Ways to Spread Peace
By: The Richard Class, 2/10/17

Give to the poor.
Don’t hurt animals or nature.
Care about people.
Always remember to have a heart.

Hug your mom and dad.
Make cards for people who are sad.
Smile at a stranger.
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Use bubble space.

Be positive.
Join in with someone who is lonely.
No war.
Be friendly.

Say hi to a new person in your school.
No arguing.
Help homeless people.
Love those who are sick, 
even if you do not know them.

Be empathetic.
Listen carefully to others.
Spread peace.