
Welcome to our little corner of the internet! I am so excited to begin a new school year together!
We are going to have a fantastic year!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nice Weather = Happy Students

We are enjoying the wonderful spring days here at Floral Street School. As a class, we have been working on improving our transitions so that they are quick and quiet. This has allowed us to get our work done on time and has left us some time to get outdoors and enjoy the nice days! Today was one of those days. We had a great morning starting our new math unit on telling time (Math assessments from the previous unit will be going home later this week. Be on the lookout!). Most students remembered a lot of what they learned about telling time in first grade. You can help at home by asking your child to look at an analog clock and telling you what time it is showing or by using time when you are talking to your child. ("We will be eating dinner at 6 o'clock.") Our goal in second grade is to be able to accurately tell time to the hour and half hour using an analog clock.

We've included a picture of our class coming in from today's recess. We are all smiles because a number of students in the class had a great time playing basketball together, while others chose to play wall ball or chat with friends

We hope you are all enjoying the spring too!